Community Guidelines

1. Show Respect to All:

Treat fellow members, instructors, and staff with respect at all times. Regardless of their skill level, background, or gender, everyone deserves to feel welcomed and valued. Avoid any form of discriminatory language, actions, or behavior. Embrace diversity and promote a supportive atmosphere for everyone to thrive.

2. Foster a Student Mentality:

Approach your training with an open and humble mindset. Embrace the opportunity to learn from instructors and fellow practitioners, regardless of their experience level. Be receptive to feedback and actively seek ways to improve. Cultivate a thirst for knowledge and continuously challenge yourself to grow as a martial artist. Be coachable and follow the guidance provided by instructors during training sessions.

3. Respect Personal Boundaries:

Everyone has different comfort levels and personal boundaries. It is essential to respect others' physical and emotional space. Avoid unsolicited physical contact unless explicitly agreed upon during training. Be mindful of personal space during breaks and conversations. Ask for consent before giving advice or corrections to fellow members, and be gracious if they decline. Leave the coaching to the instructors and avoid coaching other students unless specifically requested to do so.

4. Adhere to Sparring Rules and Practice Safely:

When engaging in sparring sessions, adhere to the designated sparring rules set by the instructors. Prioritize safety and technique over excessive force. Control your strikes and avoid intentionally causing harm to your training partners. If you and your partner agree to spar harder or engage in more intense training, ensure that both parties are comfortable with it and understand the potential risks involved.

5. Maintain a Clean and Safe Environment:

Keep the training area and gym facilities clean and tidy. After using equipment or training mats, make sure to put them back in their designated places. Wipe down equipment after use and dispose of any trash properly. Report any safety hazards or maintenance issues to the gym staff promptly to ensure the well-being of all members.

6. Resolve Conflicts Peacefully:

In the event of a disagreement or conflict, approach the situation calmly and respectfully. Engage in open and constructive communication, aiming for a resolution that benefits all parties involved. Avoid escalating conflicts into physical confrontations or engaging in disrespectful behavior. Seek guidance from instructors or gym staff if needed to help mediate and find a suitable solution.